
Your Pet’s Wellbeing – How to Assuage Concern 

 November 19, 2021

This blog is the third of a five-part series covering the primary reasons pet guardians contact me for an animal communication session and how I can help.

Thus far, we have explored:

Reason Number 4: The Anguish of Not Knowing

Reason Number 5: The Distress of Absence and Change

And now here's Reason Number Three: Concern for Your Pet's Health --  The pet is experiencing an illness or physical impairment, either acute or chronic, or maybe is just acting "off."

It's never pleasant to be concerned about our health or that of a family member or friend. The not-knowing and the waiting-to-find-out-what-may-be-‘wrong ''only add to the stress and anxiety experienced.

These emotions become even more acute when the one not feeling well is a beloved pet. Without the aid of speech to clue us into where or how much they hurt, getting our pets the veterinary care they require can be challenging.

Fortunately, Animal communication provides pets with a vehicle to convey essential details about the nature and severity of their condition.

What is wrong with my pet, and what can I do to help?

This question is asked of me often and urgently! Happily, answers and potential solutions can be found by tuning into and communicating with the ailing animal. This results in a calmer, less frantic pet parent and a more relaxed pet who has been heard and knows help is on the way.

While animals may not always know the root cause of their illness, they can often provide valuable information about their current condition. They share all sorts of helpful things, such as areas in the body that are out of balance, the intensity of pain, and sometimes even the significance of their particular situation.

This communicated (right-from-the horse's-mouth) input provides a valuable starting point for both pet guardians and the veterinarians who care for them. Although animal communication doesn't replace the professional care, it can assist in a swifter diagnosis and a more holistic healing process.

I facilitated communication between Dale and his wonderful puppy Olive several times, typically regarding behavior and food preferences, but the topic of a recent session was much more alarming. Olive had an "accident" overnight, including bloody diarrhea, and was not acting like her usual pert self.  With the earliest vet appointment a few days out, Dale reached out to me for some enlightening communication. 

While Olive couldn't pinpoint the exact cause for her condition, she implied that she had eaten something that wasn't ideal for her. Olive shared a list of some bland food items to be gently introduced, along with a few other routine changes, including some concerns for Dale and his stressful work situation. Fortunately, Olive ultimately did not need the vet appointment as interim tests were negative for parasites, and she recovered quickly.

Aracely reached out to me when her beloved senior dog Charlie was limping and was extra touchy (very uncharacteristic) when handled by his human family members. Charlie shared that he had jumped and landed poorly, injuring his leg and back. He also wanted Aracely to know that he was very protective of his body and told her not to take his behavior personally but that he needed to be "given some space."  Aracely was able to share with the veterinarian what she had learned from Charlie regarding the specifics of his injury. This message enabled the veterinarian to prescribe a successful healing protocol, and Johnny recovered well and fully. 


I recently became acquainted with a sweet dog, T, who had already been through a series of adversities and impaired physical conditions in her short life. Her adopter, Angel, was committed to doing everything she could to help T heal physically and emotionally. 

Angel reported that T was very lethargic, not eating, and had a low temperature. With a vet visit pending, Angel wanted to know what she could do to help T in the meantime. 

T told me she wants Angel to know how grateful she is that Angel adopted her and has provided her with so much loving care. T wants Angel to stay positive and not feel sorrowful about her past, as it serves no purpose. T felt she could now relax a bit but related that the ills of the past still needed some healing. T said that a parasite or virus was causing her current condition. She shared a list of requests: a particular type of water, some supplements, a special place in the house to lie, and even a specific type of music to play! 

T was diagnosed with distemper, and she is undergoing treatment. 

You may have noticed a common element in the stories shared above – each animal had a specific change request for their people. We all acknowledge the intricate roles our pets play in our lives, but we sometimes fail to realize the many ways in which we impact theirs. Animal communication has shown me that the way we conduct our lives, the environment in which we live, the relationships we have – most everything we do -- has a bearing on our pet's well-being.

How is your pet's health? Would you like to know what your pet wants from you?  I'm here and would like to help!

Debbie Carole

Animal Communicator and Healer, Nature Lover, Seeking love and harmony between all living beings

Debbie Carole

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