Debbie's work with Buddy, Bella, my mother, and me has been instrumental in creating the home environment and relationships I envisioned.  Debbie is highly responsive, results-oriented, and a talented animal communicator.  

The SVH energy healing modality has proven to be a consistently powerful tool to support the healing process.  It's comforting to know Debbie is there when we need her!

- Sally S., Virginia

Debbie Carole was of incredible help to me when my dachshund, Lucy, was dying. While the veterinarians were concentrating on the why, Debbie had been talking with Lucy, who told Debbie several times that she was tired, but not in pain. When I made the decision to euthanize her, I still felt guilty, even though I knew intellectually that I was making the right decision. Afterwards, my guilty feelings were erased when Debbie assured me that Lucy was ready to go, and that she had reunited with my late husband. 

Although I miss Lucy very much, I’m at peace with my decision, and very grateful to Debbie for being so compassionate and empathetic during this incredibly difficult time.

- Karen Z., ohio

I contacted Debbie to talk with a racehorse for a friend of mine who was having some issues. Debbie was easy to talk to and was quick to receive information from the horse and described in detail how the horse feels about its situation, detailing the kind of pain it feels and what the horse said would help to get better. It was interesting that the problem was partly physical – Lyme disease – but also psychological, as the horse felt under a lot of pressure from its owners to perform well in the races. Debbie also heard that the horse felt supported by the coach and trusted that he would look out for him and will do right by him. I had the sense that she was really listening to the horse and faithfully relaying its messages to the coach and to my friend.

My friend confirmed that there was a lot of pressure from the owners to get him to race, and to win races. Based on what Debbie conveyed in the session, the coach gave the horse some timeout from racing, time to recover and was treated for Lyme disease.  My friend and I were grateful to have contacted Debbie!

- Tina S., Switzerland

My session with Debbie was extraordinary.  It surpassed any and all expectations.  The communications with my current pets was spot on. Down to their very individual personalities.  

They told me so many things from their point of view and the love was palpable. Not only did Debbie spend a lot of time on each pet, but she also communicated with 3 of my babies who have passed on. The messages were so beautiful and fit them perfectly.

I highly recommend Debbie as an outstanding, warm and authentic pet communicator.  It is life changing. Thank you, Debbie!

- Pam W., Virginia

My first contact with Debbie was when she helped me with a Neighborhood situation. Despite the fact that I knew very few details about the circumstances or the FourLeggeds involved, Debbie quickly gained insight into the Den dynamic. The information brought forth (which later proved correct) was of great value and enabled me to proceed with confidence.

It is a pleasure to experience straightforward, seemingly effortless Communication, and that is what Debbie consistently delivers. She is gifted, she is intelligent, she is integrous, attentive, engaging, non-judgmental, astute, and, and, and…! If you truly want to know what’s going on with your animals, you’ll want Debbie to talk with them.

- alphamom, arizona

I contacted Debbie to understand if my dog Sandy was having any pain. I was amazed at the details she could provide about Sandy. I was very happy with what I heard from Sandy through Debbie and was happy that I contacted her for the communication session.

- selva, virginia

I highly recommend Debbie Carole as the unique service she provides can be so helpful in caring for and understanding your pet. Sadly, my beloved Golden Retriever recently died suddenly after having several seizures.  The loss was traumatic and unexpected.  He had been my loyal companion for 11 years.  Debbie was able to provide messages from my dog just after his sudden passing and it helped me immensely to know that he was free of pain, how much he loved me and how we were not finished with our journey together. 

In addition, Debbie related a communication from my dog that helped me to have more clarity regarding some issues I was in the process of resolving and the information was spot on and helpful.  Our pets are often picking up on more than we realize!  That knowledge sustained me often during the grieving process and continues to give me comfort as he was an exceptional dog and friend.  Debbie’s support was invaluable.

- Susan S, maryland

I have known Debbie for many years, first as a client as I talked with her animal family members, and then Debbie began training to be an animal communicator herself. Debbie does an excellent job communicating with the animals. She has the ability to hear them deeply and to share insightful information from them which sheds light on their behaviors, their well being and their desires.

 Besides being a great listener of the animals, she is delightful to work with and is a very caring and understanding person and compassionate listener of people. It is good to know she is out there making a difference for animals and their people.

- Maia kincaid, phd, Arizona