
Orchestrating Farewell: Champion Your Pet’s End-of-Life Odyssey with Grace 

 September 4, 2023

One of the most common reasons pet parents contact me for animal communication is related to their pet’s end-of-life condition or impending death. While conversations of final requests and goodbyes between human family members can be emotionally charged, discussions regarding decisions about terminal illness options and possible euthanasia for a beloved pet can be even more intensely distressful due to the communication gap. Fortunately, this is where telepathic animal communication can greatly assist decision-making by enabling a pet’s thoughts and feelings to be expressed and known.

Animals have individual preferences and desires regarding how and when they would like to transition, including treatment options for life-threatening diseases. As a pet parent, it can be a tremendous relief to understand your animal’s final wishes and be able to honor them.

Over the years I have been communicating with animals, I have noticed two broad-view sentiments related to death and dying that are repeatedly expressed and emphasized by various pets.

  • Animals view life as everlasting. Upon transition, they feel just as connected to human and furry family members as when they were physically with them. They don’t view death as a finality. This position is not to say that they take life lightly; they are so grateful for the honor of having the opportunity to incarnate and intertwine their lives with ours.
  • Animals don’t mentally dwell on issues, including contracting a severe disease or nearing the end of life. Let me be clear. Animals feel pain and can experience emotional and physical suffering; however, they don’t waste time and mental cycles pondering questions like, “Why is this happening to me?” or “Is my life ending soon?”

Sometimes, our pets may wish to stay longer if their drive and spirit are strong, even if their body is frail. Other times, an animal may feel his mission is complete, especially if his special family member(s) have passed away, even if the body is still running well. Hardest of all for a sick pet is if her people desperately want her to continue to be incarnate, yet the body has no more vitality left. I have communicated with pets who have endured chemo treatment or surgery, hung on longer, and suffered physically solely for their people.

A client, Eljay, reached out to me regarding questions about her fifteen-year-old poodle, Gustav, who had some skin issues and exhibited mobility issues causing erratic behavior when moving. Eljay wanted to know how Gustav was feeling and whether he was ready “to go.” In her heart, she felt that despite the discomfort, he still enjoyed life, but most importantly, she wanted to consider his feelings on the issue. Gustav confirmed that although his skin did bother him, he still very much enjoyed life, being with his person, and appreciated all Eljay’s support! “I am not done yet!”

When I heard from Eljay a year later, she was thrilled to report that her beloved dog, though physically frail, was still with her. She wanted to check in again with Gustav to see how he felt about the quality of his life. How was his body and his mind? Was he holding on simply for her at the expense of himself? Gustav and I connected, and he showed great mental clarity. He still had a tremendous zest for life and wanted to keep going; he loved his person, she loved him, and he still loved life! Other animals—and their people--with Gustav’s physical challenges may have opted to say Goodbye, but Gustav was not ready. Even though Eljay knew what the future would bring, she honored his wishes and allowed Gustav to make the final decision in his own time.

Communicating with many ill or elderly pets has been an enlightening experience. The animals have much to say on this serious topic. I periodically spoke with Zeb, a greyhound. About a year after he was diagnosed with congestive heart failure, Zeb’s person contacted me for some specific help. His physical discomfort had reached the stage where it began to affect his appetite. Up until now, Zeb had been pretty much unwilling to discuss end-of-life details, but now his person needed his understanding and cooperation. In order to avoid dwelling on thoughts of Zeb’s dying and missing out on his living, Zeb’s person needed to establish a signal, a guidepost, something that would indicate his readiness to leave. Zeb’s person asked him to agree to eat the four medication-filled pill pockets she would hand-feed him. If Zeb wanted to eat more, that would be wonderful, but she would know Zeb was ready to leave when he refused his medication for three straight meals.

Zeb continued to do well for a few more months before his body started to betray him. His enjoyment of life decreased and then disappeared. So, as pre-arranged, Zeb didn’t consume his pill pockets filled with heart medication for three straight meals. He was very obviously ready. As the vet did what was asked of her, Zeb and his person were face to face, eyes locked and loving. Zeb’s person said it was the smoothest transition she had ever witnessed.

Our pets have beautiful views of everlasting life and can clarify how they want to experience their final incarnate days. While rarely the case for humans, euthanasia is an option for our pets. But knowing we can shorten a beloved pet’s suffering by ending his life doesn’t make the heart-rending decision any easier. Is it time? Are we too early? Did we wait too long? Fortunately, animal communication can provide pet parents with answers to their caring queries directly from their pets. Telepathic animal communication unites people and pets and allows them to ‘share the load’ in any decisions that need to be made.

Clients have commented again and again on the peace of mind they gained by knowing their pet’s true feelings and wishes. Is there a conversation you would like to have with your pet? Would you like clarity on a topic affecting your relationship? You can conveniently book an appointment online at: https://www.debbiecarole.com/book-an-appointment/

Debbie Carole

Animal Communicator and Healer, Nature Lover, Seeking love and harmony between all living beings

Debbie Carole

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