
Finding Peace with Pets In Spirit 

 February 9, 2023

In this segment, we delve into the hows and whats of communicating with pets who are no longer with us in their physical form, that is, pets who have transitioned and are now pets in spirit.

One of the most frequent questions I get asked is if it's possible to communicate with a deceased pet.  My answer is always an unequivocal and enthusiastic Yes!  Animal Communication is based on telepathic communication, which means that, as an Animal Communicator, I use telepathy to connect with animals and talk with them.  It makes no difference to me whether Bandit is in spirit or peacefully snoozing at his human's feet when I connect with him.

I think it's safe to state that every loving pet guardian has, at one time or another, felt some level of angst or confusion about how to best care for their pet—and those uncertainties don't just disappear when the pet dies.  Compassionate, inquiring minds are left with unanswered questions and a desire for closure.  It's a natural human response to want to know…  How did you feel when that happened?Were you in any pain?I may have hurt you somehow, and I want to apologize 

As an Animal Communicator, I can help ask the tough questions, get answers to needling concerns, and (with the pet's input) help lift any lingering burdens, guilt, or regrets.  I am constantly amazed by the inspired and inspiring messages I receive from my clients' beloved animals who have transitioned.  Communicating is beneficial to everyone involved.  Our pets want to talk to us as much as we want to connect with them!

Whether it's due to old age, an accident, an acute illness, or a long-standing, terminal condition, the sudden death of a beloved pet can be an extremely traumatic experience.  No amount of preparation seems to make the parting any easier; one minute Fluffy is here, and the next, Fluffy is gone.  Often, after the initial shock of the pet's absence begins to lessen, the pet guardian is left feeling confused or conflicted or simply wondering....

Susan's beloved Golden Retriever, Buckley, was a steadfast partner who stood by her through several life-changing events.  Although 11-year-old Buckley had experienced some previous health challenges, he still enjoyed daily walks and was doing reasonably well.  Then one day, Buckley began having sudden and violent seizures.  With the help of some Neighbors, Susan lifted Buckley into her vehicle and drove him to an emergency care facility.  Sadly his condition was so severe that Susan had to say Goodbye.  She remained with Buckley as he made his peaceful and painless transition.

Naturally, Susan was heartbroken… and left with many questions.  She wondered what she might have done differently for Buckley and was concerned about any pain or fear he may have experienced.  During our communication session, Buckley shared his love for Susan and appreciation for their time together.  He let us know he was as surprised by the seizures as Susan and that when the time came, Buckley could let go relatively easily and quickly because Susan was right there with him, enveloping him in her love.

Another common reason for seeking communication with a pet in spirit is if the animal died while lost, or transitioned during a long absence from home.  With emotions still raw from the loss, the loving pet parent begins to question what "could have" or "should have" been done differently.  Could they possibly have prevented the death?

Stacy had a beloved cat named George.  George and several other feline family members had been allowed to roam outdoors in their previous home, so when Stacy moved everyone to a new home, she granted them the same privilege.  There came a day, however, when George failed to return home.  After months of vigilant searching without success, Stacy contacted me for a session with George.

George confirmed that he had indeed transitioned.  He was sorry that the circumstances of his disappearance and its likely outcome had caused Stacy such angst and heartbreak.  When questioned, George indicated his death was due to an accident and died pretty quickly.  He assured Stacy there was nothing she could have done.  Stacy also found comfort in George's declaration that despite the apparent risks, he was grateful to her for allowing him access to the outdoors.  He would have been quite unhappy if denied his feline freedom.

Any death can create a need - sometimes quite strong - for closure.  I am frequently contacted by clients who want to commune with their pets who have transitioned.  Besides providing the 'one more time' sense of reconnecting with our beloved pets in spirit, Animal Communication can help get answers to lingering questions and concerns

A longtime cat mom, Lucy scheduled a session with me specifically to communicate with her entire "crew"- both past and present.  After we connected with her three current cats, Lucy spent the remainder of the hour reminiscing with her five prior cats, re-experiencing each of their unique personalities while satisfying her remaining questions and curiosities.  Lucy left the session with a joyful heart, knowing she could "reach out" to her in-spirit beloveds any time.  With the help of telepathic Animal Communication, Lucy's connection to her cats can transcend time and place.  Although deceased and no longer physically by her side, they are still clearly part of her "crew."

Animals are a wonderful gift to humans.  Animal Communication is also a wonderful gift to humans and to animals!  Sharing time, thoughts, feelings, needs, dreams, and desires with those we love, whether they are with us here in the physical or 'there' in spirit, is an enlightening, uplifting, validating, feel-good, often magical experience.

Do you have a pet in spirit with whom you'd like to reconnect?  I'm here and would like to help!

Debbie Carole

Animal Communicator and Healer, Nature Lover, Seeking love and harmony between all living beings

Debbie Carole

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