
Expect the Unexpected. Awakening joy through your Animal Communication Session 

 March 10, 2021

Animal communication has taught me that we have so much to learn from our nature kingdom.  Each conversation is unique; it is joyful and enlightening, engaging with animals and listening to their stories.  Live “chats” with our pets can include a wide variety of topics, from serious health or behavioral issues to fun and silly antics. 

Regardless of your intentions when connecting with your furry friend, here is a suggestion to help you make the most of your animal communication session.

Have your list of questions ready but be prepared for your pet to have some points of its own.

Occasionally a client initiates a session to just casually “chat” with their pet.  It usually leads to fun and exciting discoveries.  However, most of the time, the human has specifics questions for her/his beloved companion.  It is helpful for the person to have their list of topics prepared, in priority, as once the communication session starts, it is easy to get engrossed in a particular issue.  And time flies when you are having fun! 

However, do not be surprised if your pet has a subject or two of its own to discuss.

During one session between a horse Remy and his person, we addressed a litany of issues; his pain level was the red light therapy helpful, was he happy with the feed combination, etc.  The questions and answers went back and forth until his person’s list was complete. 

When I asked Remy if there was anything else that he wanted to share, he said yes!  He was quite concerned about the horse in a neighboring farm belonging to someone else.  This second horse was very lonely, not given much attention.  Remy had several requests for his human to make to help, including allowing Remy to graze in the adjacent pasture so that they could be near each other along the fence.

Our animals are often full of surprises!

Debbie Carole

Animal Communicator and Healer, Nature Lover, Seeking love and harmony between all living beings

Debbie Carole

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  1. Love this! Thank you so much for sharing. Sometimes we forget to just stop, check in, and ask!

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